DM5 Series Magnetic Hyperthermia Devices
nB nanoScale Biomagnetics introduces the DM5 Series, the integral, immediate and reliable solution for laboratory tests on magnetic hyperthermia.
One sole equipment to apply, measure and analyze the results. One model for every application. The DM5 Series gives the answer to all your needs in Magnetic Hyperthermia instrumentation either with its series models or custom made applications. DM5 Series is also the only integral, immediate and reliable solution to the instrumentation needs of MHT through all its stages: from magnetic characterization to clinical application.
The design conceptualization of the DM5 series emerges from the real need of the Magnetic Hyperthermia lab of the Institute of Nanosciences of Aragón (Spain). The specific needs involved in the process of applying a magnetic field, measuring and analyzing the results were thoroughly examined and approached one by one, leading to an integrated and final solution that guarantees the highest standards in Magnetic Hyperthermia research. The results achieved with DM5 Series are now endorsed by published results on characterization of nanostructured materials, experiments with cellular cultures, parasithology, among other fields.
DM5 Series devices apply a user-adjustable magnetic field from 0 to 300/600 gauss, on user selectable frequencies, and perform in situ temperature measurements through an advanced optical fiber system, without metallic parts and with a negligible thermal mass.
Information on temperature, time, magnetic field and incidences is collected and stored up, and it can be processed with a computer. Specially designed software allows also for programming and scheduling automated tests on intensity curves, sampling frequency, pauses, etc. The DM5 Series can be operated using its tactile monitor or even from a remote computer via ethernet.