Direct-Reading Pocket Dosimeters are rugged, precision instruments designed specifically for measuring accumulated quantities of gamma and x radiation. In use, the dosimeter is normally clipped to a pocket or to the outside of a lead apron. By checking the dosimeter reading periodically, the wearer is able to determine the exposure received during specific procedures. By knowing where and when greater than- normal exposures occur, the wearer can identify the source and take quick, corrective action.
We currently offer five dosimeters. Each dosimeter has a color-coded clip that signifies its range. This will help the user to identify the dosimeter (i.e. black clip = 0 to 200 mR, blue clip = 0 to 5 R, etc.), and ensure that the intended dosimeter is utilized.
Direct-Reading Pocket Dosimeters are extremely easy-to-use. To read the integrated exposure, the user looks through the dosimeter eyepiece while pointing the unit toward any external light source. The exposure is determined by the position of a hairline fiber against a graduated scale. A Dosimeter Charger (Model 06-912) is used to re-zero the dosimeter.
The 0 to 200 mR Low-Energy Dosimeter is the most popular type for measuring personal radiation doses in hospital applications including fluoroscopy, portable radiography and angiography. Our dosimeters are ideal for nuclear medicine and health physics applications. All Direct-Reading Pocket Dosimeters are hermetically sealed using state-of-the-art plastics and epoxy resins. These reliable, high-quality devices meet ANSI specifications N13.5 and N322, as well as military requirements.
Low leakage: measures background
Superior energy response: 20 keV to 2 MeV
Rugged and highly resistant to shock and vibration: meets ANSI specifications N13.5 and N322
Available in a wide selection of ranges to meet all of your requirements